This podcast is only temporary
Irish songwriter and producer Andy White’s third series of This podcast is only temporary tells the story of the writing and recording of his latest album 'Good Luck I Hope You Make It'.
As in the first two series, going track by track through solo album ‘This garden is only temporary’ and the 'AT' album co-written with Tim Finn, every week Andy looks at how a song's layers of lyrics and music work together, how sometimes ideas appear as if by magic – and if not, inspiration can always be encouraged.
Andy plays excerpts from the master tapes and discusses process and influences, recording, playing and writing in a home studio. If you're thinking of making your own album, you might find a way of doing it here. Each episode ends with a different version of the song from the one you'll find on the released albums.
If the underlying theme of Series 1 is "How to make an album" and Series 2, "How to co-write an album", Series 3 might be all about going back to the beginning. As always, "If you want to express something but don't know how to express it—tell the truth. This is powerful."
This podcast is only temporary
This week a special guest drops in to the podcast, freelance designer Sebastian White. Sebastian has designed Andy's albums since 2014, and after chatting about granola for a bit, father and son discuss the process of conceptualising and realising the artwork for This garden is only temporary. They find the process is remarkably similar to that involved in writing and recording the songs, on the way talking about collecting ideas, balance, conceptual art, favourite album covers and psychological stepping stones. There is at least one Tale from a Rock'n'roll Childhood and Amy the goat contributes to the conversation several times.
Visual artists they discuss are Mark Rothko and Gerhard Richter. The interview with Courtney Barnett is here and the album covers they mention are The Next Day, Dark Side of the Moon, Electric Warrior, Out There, Yeezus and The Life of Pablo.
If you haven't got a physical copy of the album you can see the artwork on Bandcamp (click the small icons) or Andy's Instagram.
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Andy's albums are available on Bandcamp or www.andywhite.com