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The Sea Holds the Memory

Season 2 Episode 1

The podcast is back! This is the first episode of Series 2 which looks at Andy White and Tim Finn's 'AT' album song by song. Andy has dug out their original writing demos plus some of the emails that whizzed back and forwards across the Tasman Sea between the two pals. 

This week you'll hear what inspired Andy and Tim to get writing and how this first song came into being – an interview their ALT band mate Liam did with a Dun Laoghaire magazine, a couple of poems, and how they dragged Brian into the studio from the betting club down the road to finish the initial recording. 

During each episode you'll hear each song several times in different ways but not as many times as we did (or John). Why? Because it is fun and this winter is very very cold. If you subscribe wherever you find your podcasts you will get an episode each week, as if by magic.

The Sea Holds the Memory by Finn/White
Played and recorded by Andy and Tim in Melbourne and Auckland
Podcast artwork by Sebastian White

Andy's albums are available on Bandcamp or